Status bar with various information about the entire PhpStorm, the current project or a file in the editor, warnings, and error messages. Navigation bar for navigating through the project. The main PhpStorm window is divided into several logical areas: Menus and toolbars that help us execute various commands. The Code | Generate menu (or just Alt+Insert) will help you with generating constructors, getters/setters, PHPDoc comments as well as suggest overriding/implementing some methods Ctrl+O / Ctrl+I. Writing code can be a lot easier and faster with the code generation options available in PhpStorm. Which is the best way to generate code in PhpStorm? However, if you use EditorConfig in your project, options specified in the.editorconfig file override the ones specified in the code style settings when you reformat the code. PhpStorm lets you reformat your code according to the requirements you’ve specified in the Code Style settings.
14 How to customize code style in PhpStorm?.13 How to reformat HTML code in JavaScript file?.12 How can I exclude a file from PhpStorm?.11 How to check JavaScript code quality in PhpStorm?.10 What do you need to know about PhpStorm?.9 How to delete tabs and spaces in PhpStorm?.8 When to change the case of true in PhpStorm?.